Boink (Gee, what an original name :-) is a module for Berkeley Systems' After Dark screensaver that breaks chunks of your screen and drops them on the floor. It also contains a special Monty Python option, but I don't recommend you use it for long periods of time unless you keep your Mac in a soundproof room.
Boink works in color and BW and with multiple monitors. It has been tested on an SE/30, Mac II, Mac IIx, Mac IIfx and Quadra 950 and should work with all other Mac systems running System 7.0 or newer (but probably won't :-). It also works with Tom Dowdys' Darkside of the Mac.
Boink is Postcardware. If you like it send me a silly postcard at:
Eggert Thorlacius
Sudurgata 16
101, Reykjavik
If you are too lazy to send a real postcard, and electronic one will do. My e-mail address is
Boink may be distributed in any way, as long as it is not modified and this document is included with it.